Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Collapse Of Communsim

The cause of communism is that people weren't happy the way government control them and that even if they worked harder then the other person next to them they all got paid the same. The economy rapidly decreased and numbers of population as so. Everyone gets the same amount of. money, and every one had to wear clothes from one brand, which some people didn't like. In 1989 and 1991, is when it was led to the fall of communist regimes in eastern Europe and the Soviet Union. In the fall of 1989, led to the end of the Berlin wall and the unification of East and West germany. The USSR collapse on Stalin's cause, he invested no money on these countries only on the weapons. Berlin was seperated to East and West, people tore it down because their were two systems. After the collapse of one country all of the other countries that were run by communism turned in to capitalist country.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Nelson Mandela and Apartheid

In the Republic of South Africa a rigid policy of segregation of the nonwhite population called Apartheid. Under the apartheid system, nonwhites-classified as Bantu (black), colored (mixed), or Indian-did not share full rights of citizenship with the white minority. Nelson Mandela used non-violence methods to gain Africans freedom. He had spent 27 years in prison. When Nelson Mandela walked out of prison on Feburary 11, 1990, South Africa's future walked with him. These organization was to help fight for the rights of Bantu people. He tried to put a stop on the Apartheid & was considered a great hero for these actions. He finally got Africa independent. He was the arrested for 27 years. When he was in prisoned he got african's admiration and motivation to help get Independence.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

African Independence

In the late 1800's, Cecil Rhodes was a british explorer who was a racist thinking that all other race except english was savage or wasn't perfect as the english symbolizing British. He thought the English(British) was the most superior of all others. He explored Africa and thought that the Africans need help to be cultured and industrial and he also wanted the africans to be Christian with out there concent. He thought he was doing them a favor, but in actual fact most of the African's did not want to change the way of life that currently had and did not want to be controlled. Instead of changing and helping the African's, Cecil Rhodes conquered them and controlled them the way he wanted them to be as like the british. Cecil Rhodes was nationalist in other words he was very proud and had alot of pride in Britian. He changed many things most of the country were changed. Some of the Africans even also thought that British was a perfect society to be under, but they saw that british were fighting amongst themselves and had other economic and crude problems. This started the development of Africa's own Government and Constitution. The story starts by, british settlers had taken prize farmland in the northen highlands of kenya. They fiercely resisted independence for kenya.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Film Lesson: "The Right Stuff"

The movie "The Right Stuff" was all about the United States and Russia in the Space Race. The Russian started a space program before the United States did, but after the United States over hard that the Russians were testing rockets to go into space. The United States also started the NASA program to compete with Russia's Space program. U.S. spent all the money that they could use could instead of using it on finding cure's for cancer and other diseases. After many testings they finally sent a "Monkey" into space first. The first person was a monkey not a man. After that the Russians sent a man into space. The first man in space was a Russian not a American. This angered the United State NASA program so the U.S. spent more time and money into the program. The U.S. sent the first man on to the moon . The first man on the moon was a American.

NATO and The Warsaw Pact.

This was about stopping the russians from turning the whole world communist. Also other countries were trying to maintain capitalism while others joined the russians. The Cold War wasa stailmate that no one sheded blood. NATO thought that communisim was illogical and Warsaw was the opposite of NATO. The US formed NATO and Russians formed Warsaw.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Film Lesson: "Schindler's List"

The Jewish were removed from their homes and moved to the "Ghetto". The Jewish were all banded or had a star on them to show that they were jewish. All the Jewish were being removed from the Ghetto's and being killed and forced them into a camp.The nazi soldiers were loading the Jewish into the train heading for the Concentration Camp that the Jew's thought it was a nazi labor camp that they were valuable to the Nazi's as workers. They were wrong, they were slowly being exterminated, the one's who were old or too young were killed. Hitlers final solution plan to exterminate all the jews has started. They were about to send all the Jewish to the Death traps/camps. Schindler one of the nazi's took all of his workers back. I think the part that when the children were running away was a horrific and messed up thing. This one kid who was trying to find a hiding place was rejected by abunch of other kids even thought there was like room for 5 more people.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Film Lesson:"Night and Fog"

Night and Fog was about the holocaust. How the Jewish were blamed for World War I. During World War II, the Jewish being hated was not called racism because mostly no one liked them. The Jew's had to wear stars or arm bands to state and show they were full bred Jews. Jew's were really greedy they even ate their jewelry even though they were about to die. This is in my view but the Jew's did not know what was ahead of them, Death. They all thought they were important workers for the Nazi's labor camps. The labor camps were to carry out Hitler's solution plan to get rid all of the Jew's. The Labor Camps were really a undercover extermination area for gassing chambers, crematorium(Burns lively people), and to take their possessions and clothes for the Nazi War. This was a documentary film that was not as effective to show the holocaust then the Hollywood film Schindler's List. I prefer the Hollywood version and I think that this movie wasn't powerful enough because it did not show the dead bodies like in Schindler's List. I reccomend you to watch Schindler's List before you watch the documentary.